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Raymond Tacadena (Chiropractor)

B. Chiro Sc, M. Chiro, Cert Acupuncture (Muskulo-skel),

SIRA (Formally known as WorkCover) workers compensation approval no. 10096

It is my passion as a chiropractor to provide you and your family with the highest quality care available and exceed your expectations. My goal is to help everyone I see improve their quality of life and empower you with an understanding about how your body functions, so that you can make the best decisions possible about your own health and wellbeing.

NOTICE - At this stage we are still open until advised otherwise. What has changed though is there will now be a 15 minute gap in between all current and future bookings. This will provide sufficient time to maintain the cleanliness of the room and table, maintain the social distancing the those who have booked subsequent appointments.

Thanks to everyone for you support in the past, present and future. 

Also I hope this goes without saying, but if you are feeling unwell please isolate yourself from those who are not and we can all get through the interesting times ahead of us.

Take care as always, Ray

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